Wednesday 24 April 2013

Quite exceptional.......truely....

..... remarkable ~ David Toole

David Toole first appeared on my radar when I was watching the documentary movie about the divine talent that is

Sat on one of the count less plane journeys that have dominated my life these past few years, I was button clicking on the media remote and I was seeing the images of Tanja Liedtke flicking across the screen. So having aroused my curiosity, on the plane journey home I watched the documentary of the all too brief life of Tanja Leidtke....... Tanja Leidtke was a rare talent indeed but through that movie this appeared.... 

David Toole.......
if you have never seen him before be prepared to be blown away..... 
I warn you it is quite exceptional......

So why David Toole today ? simple really...I was doing my usual clicking away and I saw a reference to David Toole performing at the Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony London 2012...... well I missed it first time round and watched it today.... you can only look in the mirror at your self and reflect upon the lack of inspiration in your own life.......

Birdy Birdy Birdy........ truely remarkable.... my SoD